Sunday, May 4, 2008

WalMart Episode 2: The Way to Save the World

My WalMart series will now include more than just conversations. That's why I'm giving each episode a title. So, welcome to the second installment.

I recently saw a large ad in a magazine about all the thing WalMart is doing to be environmentally friendly. I was quite impressed and not only is this a positive step, it's a good PR move for an organization that is so large and doesn't always have good PR.

I bought five WalMart reusable shopping bags for a $1 a piece. As I paid for them the cashier put them on the bag carousel and began to load my groceries in them. She was very particular at arranging all my groceries in the bags, being careful not to smash anything and put the cold items all together. I was impressed and appreciative. I even wondered if WalMart had trained their employees on how to pack the bags.

On my next trip I took my bags in with me and decided I needed to purchase two more so all my groceries would fit. I put my five previously purchased bags on the conveyor belt first and then the two news ones. I explained to the cashier that I already owned the first five and was purchasing the other two. As I was unloading my groceries he asked if I wanted the two new ones in a bag. Figuring he didn't want to pack the groceries around the price tag that was holding the bags shut I said that was fine, whatever was easier.

After unloading all my groceries I pushed up to the counter and what did I see - all my reusable grocery bags stuffed in one plastic bag and all my groceries being put in plastic bags. I thought about correcting the employee, but decided it would take too much effort. I guess next time I'll explain to the cashier what the bags are for. So much for saving the world WalMart!


Amy said...

That is hilarious! Good effort on your part, though. -Amy

nicole said...

I keep meaning to buy some reusable bags, but I'm silly and want some cute ones. I need to get over that. The cute ones cost more and I need a LOT of bags when I buy groceries for this family.

JKMN said...

So funny! That's exactly what keeps me from bringing my own bags.