Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's Been Awhile

Well, I haven't blogged in awhile, but I've thought about it. I have several posts rolling around in my head, but none that I have the time to hash out right now.

So for something interesting, or maybe not, here's a pregnancy update. I'll be 17 weeks tomorrow and all the doctor's visits have been good. Good heart rate (on the high side if you believe the predictions about heart rates) and I haven't gained any weight yet. Which is fine, but the dr. says I'll probably have 8-10 lbs next time. Ewww! But that will be offset by the fact that we'll find out if we're having a boy or girl!!! We can't wait.

I had a relatively symptom-free 1st trimester, just a few headaches, and some other things I won't mention. I feel much more tired this trimester and it makes me feel like such a weenie. Oh well! Am I showing - well, it depends on what I wear and what time of the day it is. But I'm still in my normal clothes with a few minor adjustments to them. So, that's all folks!