Monday, April 28, 2008

Aren't You Lucky

Wow, two posts on hayk in the same day! That's unheard of. I was tagged by Amy, so I thought I would chime in while I had the time.

Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Concession stand worker at the Baseball fields
2. Church office secretary
3. OSHA Monitor at a chemical plant (lots of fun stories)
4. Assistant Director of Constituent Relations

4 Movies I’ve Watched More Than Once:
1. Once
2. Return to Me
3. Little Miss Sunshine
4. Old Yeller

4 Places I’ve Lived:
1. Amman, Jordan
2. Longview, TX
3. Waco, TX
4. Fort Worth, TX

4 TV Show I Watch/Watched:
1. The Office
3. Alias
4. Survivor

4 Places I have Been:
1. Jerusalem
2. Interlaken, Switzerland
3. Sur, Oman (talk about some good fish)
4. Beirut, Lebanon

4People who email me regularly
1. CDK
2. Traci
3. Mom
4. Robin

4 of my favorite foods
1. Mexican - Ninfa's fajitas rank at the top
2. Arab - specifically matlubbi and fetah de jaaj
3. Pizza King Pizza
4. Blue Bell Dutch Chocolate Ice Cream

4 Places I Would Like to Visit
1. South America (only continent I'm lacking besides Antarctica)
2. New Zealand
3. Italy
4. Some exotic island location with the straw huts out over the water

4 Things I am Looking Forward to in the Coming Year
1. Buying a home
2. Watching NGK discover and learn new things, and her calling me "mom"
3. Finding out what church will look like
4. Learning how to be "mom"

4 Friends who I’m Tagging
(I think everyone I know has already done this!)
1. Traci
2. J at Herd of Turtles
That's all I've got!

1 comment:

JKMN said...

Thanks for the tag...I'm saving it for a slow blog week.