So I wasn't too concerned when we decided to leave NGK in the church nursery last week for the first time. There are only a few babies in the class and since the church is small I know all the nursery workers and have complete confidence in them. I left her with the childcare worker and gave a few instructions. Well, I tried to give a few and not overload the sweet volunteer with too much info, I don't want to be high maintenance.
After being in church with her since she was born I was looking forward to being able to completely focus on the worship and teaching. But that wasn't really the case. I found that my ears would perk-up to any slight noise that I thought might be her crying and my brain kept wondering: "How is she?" "Is she sleeping?" "Has she eaten yet?" "Do they know that she'll stop crying if you put her on your shoulder?". Needless to say, I was not completely focused on the church service as I thought I would be. Then I realized, that's probably how the rest of my life will be. No matter where I am or what I'm doing, half my brain will always be wondering how my child/children are. I realize that this is natural, now I just have to make sure it doesn't consume my whole brain!