Here are (drum roll please....) my 8 random facts/habits/quirks, whatever you want to call it.
- I really like to open packages, cd's, dvd's, anything that's new and with a wrapper. Even if I already know what's in the package. My husband knows this and lets me open his packages. Though the other day CDK inadvertently opened a package I had received in the mail. I wasn't very happy. I guess this stems from the fact that one of my love languages is gifts, so a package always seems like a gift.
- I like to eat certain foods with certain sized utensils. For example, I eat my ice cream with a small spoon, so I can savor it. I also eat my yogurt with a small spoon, but that's because too big of a bite of yogurt will make me gag (that's not just because of pregnancy, maybe this should be it's own quirk). I like to eat soups with large spoons. As for cakes and pies it depends. If it's a layer cake I like a big fork so I can get a little bit of each layer in each bite. But if it's that really good Cheesecake Factory Godiva chocolate cheesecake that CDK and I usually split, it's a small fork. Unless I'm threatened by his much faster eating pace than mine and I want to get my fair share. Enough on this one!
- I like to keep my food in the same place on the plate during the entire meal. What?, you may be asking. If I get up and go get seconds and sit back down and my meat isn't in the same place as it was before, I don't like that. I will often turn my plate around till it feels right again.
- Before I put the car in gear, I get everything in order. I adjust the mirrors, buckle-up, turn on the music and air, and put my cell phone in an easy to reach place. CDK says this is a quirk, I just think it's what I was taught in driver's ed and it's safer this way. If I'm trying to put in a cd, adjust my mirrors, and find my cell phone in my purse while driving, it's not good for the rest of you out there.
- OCD Grocery Shopping. You can read the post for a full explanation. Though I must admit, I got tired of my menu plan sooner than I had expected and am due for another. I've been out of this habit, and have missed it. It's on my to do list before baby arrives.
- I prefer reading non-fiction or story books over what I call "smart" books. I love books that are a story and I can't wait to pick up again. I would like to read more non-fiction and learn more, but it takes me forever. I think it took me a year to get through From Beirut to Jerusalem by Thomas Friedman, even though I thoroughly enjoyed it. And I do highly recommend it. My compromise has been biographies and historical fiction. This way I get a story and I'm getting a little smarter.
- I'm not extremely good at any one thing. Most people have one thing they're known for being really good at, but I don't. And I'm ok with that. I can do a lot of things average and a lot of things a above average, but I have no speciality. I was an average to above average player in most sports I attempted, I was an above average student, an average singer. I guess that makes me sort of a Renaissance woman, since I can do a lot of things pretty well. I wonder if I just don't have the attention span or diligence to get really good at one thing.
- When I return to my hometown or get feisty I fall into the accent from my hometown. I realized this as soon as I went off to college, that I did have an accent different than most others in my state, and especially other states. Since then I have been told multiple times that I don't have any accent and people can't even tell what state I'm from. I like that, not because I'm not proud of my state, but simply because I hope that makes me more adaptable to wherever I am and more approachable.
So there you have, KLK's random habits/facts/quirks. If you can identify, I'll be glad to hear it.