Saturday, March 3, 2007

Work on a Saturday?

Yes, that's where I am. And though I should be working to catch-up (after all that's why I'm here), I'm blogging about it instead. Why? Because it stinks and I want some sympathy. And I want my boss to know how dedicated I am! Not that he reads this (but I made sure to send him an email, so if he looks at the date, he'll know I was here:).

I've had several projects the past couple of weeks that have eaten every last bit of my time and I haven't been able to get my "real" work done. Couple that with some serious distraction and lack of motivation (because I dislike the all-consuming projects), it's been hard to push through. I came to work today to clear some things off my desk and literally clean up my office. Almost every space has a stack (or 2, or 3, or 4) of paper on it. Including the two chairs for others to sit in. It's not pretty.

Oh, well, my theory, Saturday kind of stinks because I came work, but at least Monday will be a little better, since I'll feel somewhat caught-up. Oh, and it's nice to play music loud in my office and sing, since no one else is here!


nicole said...

Bummer. I hate when O.H. has to work on a Saturday. At least you have Chile to look forward to!

Kelli said...

I guess I haven't updated yet, no Chile. The seats were sold out by the time we called back. So, for now, we're not doing anything. Except going to exciting old Longview!

KarenD said...

I like the quiet-ness of working when no one else is there... I'm more productive AND I feel the freedom to check/write blogs with no one looking over my shoulder!

I'm about to leave my current job, so the stacks are piling up in my office, too. I'm trying to make sense of it all before I leave so the next person doesn't have to deal with my "system." Only two more days left!

nicole said...

Double bummer then. Longview is definitely not Chile. We'll be there too, St. Pat's weekend. I hope the rest of your weekend was good anyway.