Thursday, February 8, 2007

Chimin' in on the Cheap Dates

I realized yesterday that I hadn't posted in awhile. Then I realized, I had had nothing to post. Then today, four new ideas came to my mind. I'll spread them out, so you don't have to much to read in one week, but I thought the idea of collecting cheap date ideas was timely. Though in no way does this mean I support cheap Valentine's dates!

Through a blog "chain" I found someone collecting other bloggers ideas for cheap dates. Here's the blog And here's my list.

  1. Start your own Book Club with your sweetie. Read the same book and set aside time to talk about it each week. Only cost, the price of the book.
  2. Take a class together. Check out offerings at the university near by, they always offer continuing education classes, or the community center to see what's available. It might be a little expensive up front, but if you average it out over the number of weeks, it will probably be reasonable. Plus, you'll learn something new and meet new people.
  3. Go to the planetarium. There is one near where I live and it's about $5.00 a show, and the show lasts from 45 minutes to an hour.
  4. Go to the local rose garden, arboretum, or botanical gardens. Most are free, or cheap at least. Take a picnic and a stroll to enjoy the beauty of nature and each other.
  5. Check out the plays at the community theater or at a university nearby. You can see live entertainment for less than the cost of a movie.
  6. Concerts - again check out the nearby university and see what's available. Also, many community groups put on free concerts in the spring and summer.
  7. Go out to eat for breakfast. The food is usually cheaper and you get to start your day with your sweetie.
  8. Local community and recreation centers have all kinds of free or cheap programs. Check out the city website of the town you live in and look under the recreation department.
  9. Go to the zoo. An often over-looked form of fun for adults.
OK, so check out the site and add your date ideas to the list. We should never run out! Also, for my overseas friends, I'd like to hear your versions of cheap dates and what you do.


nicole said...

I love #1, but my husband doesn't like reading. How lucky you are to be able to share that with yours. I read, I tell him I liked the book, and that is the extent of any conversation on books.

Good ideas.

Kelli said...

@4andcounting: I'm not claiming that I've used all these ideas, just thought of them.
My hub only reads for his classes right now.

Liza on Maui said...

Yes, great ideas.
I like the going out for breakfast :)

KarenD said...

I'm a little fuzzy on how the whole blog your idea thing works with the other site, but I'll just post my idea here:

An in-house TV/Movie marathon! Devote an entire Saturday to either a series (like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings) or a theme of movies or even a television series that you can rent on DVD. Wearing PJs is a must... and making popcorn and ordering pizza. You could even buy boxes of movie candy like Runts or Junior Mints. How about designating a "make-out movie." Anyway, tons of fun without leaving the house!

KarenD said...

I have a question... it says below: "This blog does not allow anonymous comments." How do you get that setting? I hate anonymous commenters, they are always the rude ones. I'd love to turn that off, but I can't seem to find that option in blogger. Help!

Kelli said...

@karend: Not sure how I got the setting, I was just looking through all the settings and turning on/off the ones I thought I wouldn't like. Sorry, I'm not a big help.