Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Spring has Sprung

Well, not quiet yet, but a new season is my life is beginning. I resigned from my job last week and I'm now a stay-at-home mom. This is a job I've always aspired to. I was always thankful that my mom was able to stay home with my brother and I and I've always wanted to do the same. So, my new full-time job is without monetary pay, but the return will be great.

I am looking forward to many aspects of staying home. I want to teach my daughter things, meet and develop relationships with my neighbors, exercise, have a (somewhat) flexible schedule so I can minister in new ways, and many other things. I'm also excited about being able to concentrate fully on managing our home.

I know there will be hard days, just like any other job, but I'm excited for this change. I'm so thankful that God provided a job for CDK that made this possible. I know I'll be back in the professional world someday, but this is my season for now, and I will treasure it.


JKMN said...

Congratulations! I left the (paying) workforce almost 8 years ago, and have not regretted it one minute. Enjoy your time with your baby girl - they grow up quickly! And I hope you have a group for support - Moms club, MOPS, or just group of friends with little ones. My moms club has helped me keep my sanity during this season of life.

KarenD said...

Good for you!!

I'm planning to do the part-time thing with childcare at the church two days a week, so we'll see how that goes!

nicole said...

Way to go--that is a big step. I'm sure your family will be blessed by your presence at home, even on the days when it may seem like you would be doing more good somewhere else.