Tuesday, April 24, 2007

OCD Grocery Shopping

Each Saturday is the same, my main goal is to plan my meals for the week and get to the grocery store. I enjoy cooking and I enjoy providing healthy home-cooked meals for my family. I just don't enjoy the minimum of the 2 hours it takes on a Saturday to do this. Especially since I work 40 hours a week and don't have much discretionary time. So I devised a plan.

About three months ago I sat down and made a meal schedule for five weeks. I figured that I cooked 4 dinners a week at home (not that we ate out the other meals, but with leftovers and unexpected events, this was the number), so I picked 20 meals to last for five weeks. I arranged the meals in each week and tried to have a variety in each week. Each week includes a fish, poultry, soup or salad, and beef or some other variation. Then I tried to group the meals together that had similar ingredients so I don't waste money on something small that I won't use again.

I have the menus on the fridge with the cookbook and page number listed. I laminated each week's grocery list, so all I have to do is check my cabinet to see what I'm out of. The list includes three sections 1. Basics (bread, milk, etc.) 2. Basics for the recipes (spices, chicken broth, etc.) 3. Necessary Items for the Recipe. I always know I need everything in category #1 or #3, unless it's been a really strange week, and then I double-check my cabinet for category #2. And each category is in the order I shop through the store.

Let me just say, this has been the BEST thing I have ever done related to grocery shopping and meal planning. Why?

  1. I am spending less time in the grocery store. I can actually be in the check-out line within 30 minutes of entering the store (how long the check-out takes me varies, it's Wal-Mart).
  2. I'm spending less money because I know exactly what I need. I'm spending at least $10-15 week less than my grocery budget.
  3. I know what is on the menu for each evening and I'm looking forward to that meal. I'm less likely to give into a craving for a restaurant on the way home.
  4. On busy weeks I can prepare a few things ahead of time so that the week will run smoother.
  5. CDK is always willing to cook, so all he has to do is go to the menu list and pull out the ingredients to make it.
  6. Our 5-week plan usually stretches into 6, so we can repeat the plan and it doesn't feel like we're eating the same thing again. We're about to start our third cycle of this and we're not tired of it at all. If we do get tired of it, I'll make a new one.

So, I think I could sell this. I really think busy women would pay to have a meal plan made like this and to have grocery shopping simplified. What do you think? Maybe I'll post some of my menus.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Coming Attraction

Coming this Fall to a hospital near you...


Baby #1


Arriving Oct. 31 (give or take a few days)

There will most likely be a sequel, but please don't start asking when!